In the print business people generally fall into one of two categories – being either an actual manufacturer, or a [spu popup=”15640″]broker[/spu]. Both have advantages and disadvantages and if you want to start a print business this is probably the first decision you’ll need to make. Let’s define the two types and look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Traditionally, print brokers have been able to provide value to clients in the form of price shopping and networking, finding printers able to fulfill a client’s order for an agreeable price. As online printing continues to grow, this value diminishes slightly, as clients can often find good prices on quality printing services by spending some time searching online.
One of the benefits of being a print broker with Faceprint is that you can develop a solid client base based on our reputation for Speed, Service and Price. In addition to the print broker services you offer to your existing clients, you can also be a new client’s first choice for printing, even though your actual printing is done by FacePrint
- The benefit here is threefold.
- By offering your print broker services to existing clients, you help them to obtain top-quality printing at an affordable price.
- By having a convenient ordering system on our web site, we allow you to place orders for these products 24/7, making it easier for your to place orders at times convenient for them.
- And with an expanded web presence, we can often deliver your printing jobs to you cheaper the your customers can find anywhere. How. As a print Broker the prices we offer you are not what your customer will serif they have access to our portal.
Since you set the price, you determine how much you can make! This is great for print brokers because there’s no restriction on how much money you can earn from your services. It’s also beneficial in terms of being competitive, as you can set prices on high-selling to compare to your biggest competitors.
Being a print broker has long been considered a great full or part-time career, and Faceprint makes it easy to get ahead in the business. With a fully-functional, professional web site to direct your customers to and high-quality products at wholesale prices from us, you’ll have a leg up on the competition. Becoming a print broker has never been easier!
A print broker doesn’t actually have and print machinery of his own. All you need is an office with the usual telephone/email and you’re good to go. You can even do it from home is passing trade is not a concern, like when you have an e-commerce website that brings in work, or you rely on advertising of other kinds.
A print broker outsources all of the print work to one or more trade suppliers. He will normally provide print ready artwork (he may design himself or employ a designer) and pay for the print work either upfront, or on a monthly account. The trade printer will then despatch the goods direct to the broker’s customer in plain packaging. The end user will never know that a middle man was used. The broker’s profit is the difference between the trade cost and the amount he has charged to the final customer.
- Low initial outlay – just basic office equipment needed
- Work from anywhere – even by the pool in Spain!
- No monthly finance or rental payments on equipment
- No staff to worry about
- Business can expand and contract with demand without redundancy
WHY FacePrint?
At FacePrint we have all the machinery and equipment necessary to do the print work that the company wants to do. A printer will have premises with production and office areas, as well as enough staff in sales, admin, production and design roles as required. Printers may get both trade work (supplying other printers and print brokers) and end user work – basically selling print to the general public. This can be done by having a local reputation, roadside presence, e-commerce website or spending a lot on more traditional forms of advertising.
Essentially, at FacePrint we do the whole job from start to finish. This may begin with closing the sale, then designing/printing/finishing the order before sending out the print to the customer. Our comprehensive list of print and finishing machinery means we may never have to outsource any of your print work at all saving you TIME and MONEY!
The Faceprint Advantage!!
- Total control of the job from start to finish – great QC
- More profit on each job
- Ability to push jobs forwards for super-fast turnaround times
- Communication is simplified – no middle man
- Premises have an open door policy for you to come in anytime we are are open.