
3600) { // if file is 1 hour (3600 seconds) old then delete it
unlink($file); // delete the file

cleanDir(ROOT . ‘/phpformbuilder/file-uploads/images/thumbs/lg/*’);
cleanDir(ROOT . ‘/phpformbuilder/file-uploads/images/thumbs/md/*’);
cleanDir(ROOT . ‘/phpformbuilder/file-uploads/images/thumbs/sm/*’);
cleanDir(ROOT . ‘/phpformbuilder/file-uploads/images/*’);
cleanDir(ROOT . ‘/phpformbuilder/file-uploads/*’);

// copy the demo image in file-uploads if it’s been deleted by some user
if ($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] == ‘www.phpformbuilder.pro’) {
if (!file_exists(ROOT . ‘/file-uploads/images/art-creative-metal-creativity.jpg’)) {
copy(ROOT . ‘/assets/images/art-creative-metal-creativity.jpg’, ROOT . ‘/file-uploads/images/art-creative-metal-creativity.jpg’);

$form = new Form(‘fileupload-test-form’, ‘horizontal’, ‘novalidate’);

/* ==================================================
Single file upload
================================================== */

$fileUpload_config = array(
‘upload_dir’ => ‘../../../../../file-uploads/’, // the directory to upload the files. relative to phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/default/php/ajax_upload_file.php
‘limit’ => 1, // max. number of files
‘file_max_size’ => 2, // each file’s maximal size in MB {null, Number}
‘extensions’ => [‘pdf’, ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘xls’, ‘xlsx’, ‘txt’],
‘debug’ => true // log the result in the browser’s console and shows an error text on the page if the uploader fails to parse the json result.

$form->startFieldset(‘Single file upload’);
$form->addHelper(‘Accepted File Types : .pdf, .doc[x], .xls[x], .txt’, ‘single-file’, ‘after’);
$form->addFileUpload(‘file’, ‘single-file’, ”, ‘Attach a file’, ”, $fileUpload_config);

/* ==================================================
Multiple files upload
================================================== */

$fileUpload_config = array(
‘upload_dir’ => ‘../../../../../file-uploads/’, // the directory to upload the files. relative to phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/default/php/ajax_upload_file.php
‘limit’ => 3, // max. number of files
‘file_max_size’ => 2, // each file’s maximal size in MB {null, Number}
‘extensions’ => [‘pdf’, ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘xls’, ‘xlsx’, ‘txt’],
‘debug’ => true // log the result in the browser’s console and shows an error text on the page if the uploader fails to parse the json result.

$form->startFieldset(‘Multiple files upload’);
$form->addHelper(‘3 files maximum. Accepted File Types : .pdf, .doc[x], .xls[x], .txt’, ‘multiple-files’, ‘after’);
$form->addFileUpload(‘file’, ‘multiple-files’, ”, ‘Upload your documents’, ”, $fileUpload_config);

/* ==================================================
Images upload
================================================== */

$fileUpload_config = array(
‘xml’ => ‘image-upload’, // the uploader’s config in phpformbuilder/plugins-config/fileuploader.xml
‘uploader’ => ‘ajax_upload_image.php’, // the uploader file in phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/[xml]/php
‘upload_dir’ => ‘../../../../../file-uploads/images/’, // the directory to upload the files. relative to [plugins dir]/fileuploader/image-upload/php/ajax_upload_file.php
‘limit’ => 3, // max. number of files
‘file_max_size’ => 2, // each file’s maximal size in MB {null, Number}
‘extensions’ => [‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘png’, ‘gif’], // allowed extensions
‘thumbnails’ => true, // the thumbs directories must exist. thumbs config. is done in phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/image-upload/php/ajax_upload_image.php
‘editor’ => true, // allows the user to crop/rotate the uploaded image
‘width’ => 960, // the uploaded image maximum width
‘height’ => 720, // the uploaded image maximum height
‘crop’ => false,
‘debug’ => true // log the result in the browser’s console and shows an error text on the page if the uploader fails to parse the json result.

$form->startFieldset(‘Multiple images upload with resizing, thumbnails and image editor (crop/rotate)’);

The uploader resizes the uploaded image (960px * 720px), then generates large, medium & small thumbnails for each uploaded image.

$form->addHelper(‘3 files max. Accepted File Types : .jp[e]g, .png, .gif
Click on the uploaded preview image to crop/rotate.’, ‘uploaded-images’);
$form->addFileUpload(‘file’, ‘uploaded-images’, ”, ‘Upload up to 3 images’, ”, $fileUpload_config);

/* ==================================================
Prefilled upload with existing image
================================================== */

$current_file = ”; // default empty

$current_file_path = ROOT . ‘/file-uploads/images/’;
$current_file_name = ‘art-creative-metal-creativity.jpg’;

if (file_exists($current_file_path . $current_file_name)) {
$current_file_size = filesize($current_file_path . $current_file_name);
$current_file_type = mime_content_type($current_file_path . $current_file_name);
$current_file = array(
‘name’ => $current_file_name,
‘size’ => $current_file_size,
‘type’ => $current_file_type,
‘file’ => ‘/file-uploads/images/’ . $current_file_name, // url of the file
‘data’ => array(
‘listProps’ => array(
‘file’ => $current_file_name
$fileUpload_config = array(
‘xml’ => ‘image-upload’, // the thumbs directories must exist
‘uploader’ => ‘ajax_upload_image.php’, // the uploader file in phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/[xml]/php
‘upload_dir’ => ‘../../../../../file-uploads/images/’, // the directory to upload the files. relative to [plugins dir]/fileuploader/image-upload/php/ajax_upload_file.php
‘limit’ => 1, // max. number of files
‘file_max_size’ => 2, // each file’s maximal size in MB {null, Number}
‘extensions’ => [‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘png’],
‘thumbnails’ => true,
‘editor’ => true,
‘width’ => 960,
‘height’ => 720,
‘crop’ => false,
‘debug’ => true

$form->startFieldset(‘Prefilled upload with existing image’);
$form->addHelper(‘Accepted File Types : Accepted File Types : .jp[e]g, .png, .gif’, ‘prefilled-uploader’, ‘after’);
$form->addFileUpload(‘file’, ‘prefilled-uploader’, ”, ‘Your image’, ”, $fileUpload_config, $current_file);

= Drag and drop =

$fileUpload_config = array(
‘xml’ => ‘drag-and-drop’,
‘upload_dir’ => ‘../../../../../file-uploads/’, // the directory to upload the files. relative to phpformbuilder/plugins/fileuploader/default/php/ajax_upload_file.php
‘limit’ => 2, // max. number of files
‘file_max_size’ => 2, // each file’s maximal size in MB {null, Number}
‘extensions’ => [‘pdf’, ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘xls’, ‘xlsx’, ‘txt’],
‘debug’ => true // log the result in the browser’s console and shows an error text on the page if the uploader fails to parse the json result.

$form->startFieldset(‘Drag and drop’);
$form->addHelper(‘Accepted File Types : .pdf, .doc[x], .xls[x], .txt’, ‘drag-and-drop’, ‘after’);
$form->addFileUpload(‘file’, ‘drag-and-drop’, ”, ‘Drag and drop’, ”, $fileUpload_config);


Bootstrap File Upload Form – Php Form Builder
printIncludes(‘css’); ?>

Php Form Builder – File Upload Form
Upload documents or images



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